Met up with poly mates to celebrate Catherine's 23rd birthday. Yes, 23rd... now everyone knows her age... hehehe...
It is always so difficult to meet up with friends with my kinda job. Because I work shifts.
We were suppose to meet at 6.45pm but I reach at 7.15pm. NOT MY FAULT!
All thanks to SMRT. From my place, I needed to take a bus to the train station. What happened was that the buses came full! TWO BUSES CAME FULL! From my understanding, the fare hike that was approved recently after GE2011 was to increase transport efficiency, e.g. manpower and up the numbers of trains and buses. Well, this always happens, just talks.. SMRT is really SMART!
Enough of that.
So I met up with Catherine, the birthday girl, ah hui, ah yia, paul, daniel, yong wee (aka jian yi) and jun wen.

Camwhore while ordering food. So me right? I know...

Okay, my head appeared bigger because she want her head to be smaller so I had to position myself forward more -_-"
It makes me feel giddy looking at this pic. Don't you?
End off with another pic with the birthday girl.
I love this pic and the above one with the rainbow effect... <3
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