Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Taxis In Singapore
In the recent years, taxi have been in many accidents. Who is at fault? I think it depends on situation.
Recently, my family and I went out till late. We then decided to take a cab home. Well, there isn't any choice other than taking cab as it was already 12+ in the morning.
I took the front seat while the rest are sitted behind. While my brother's girlfriend (HT) was boarding (the rest have already boarded), the taxi driver started the vehicle! HT's one foot is already in the vehicle, when this happened. She almost fell.
This is very dangerous. I immediately told the driver "aiyo uncle, safety first lei". He apologised. He added that he only saw the left side door closed and move the vehicle and that he is sorry.
Only after driving a few hundred metres, he then put on his safety belt.
Initially, I did not feel much about this incident. The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is really dangerous.
I went on to gave a summary of what happened to the taxi company.
They called me up and say will investigate.
Well, I waited patiently. Today I received a reply:
My first thought upon receiving this email is "Oh shit, what have I done?!"
Yes, I feel bad for the driver. What if he is the sole breadwinner right?
You may think that I should not have feedback. But this incident did not happen to you, so you feel I should not have provided that feedback.
What if, I mean what if. Hypothetically, speaking. Ok. What if, this happen while a small kid is trying to board the car and the driver sudenly move the vehicle? He/She would fall, hurt their head. Thank goodness this happened to an adult, a sober and agile adult.
What if this happens to your granny? What happens if this happen to a mother who is carrying an infant?
I mean, there is so many what if.
The aim of my feedback, really, is not to have him/her terminated. I want to company to know this happened and this can happened to any driver. They should look into how to help the driver not to make the same mistake again.
Termination is too harsh! Yes. This is his/her rice bowl.
What could have been a better option?
1 - Retraining
2 - fines
3 - temporal suspension
What are some of the things you think that the company could have done instead of termination?
I want to share this with the taxi company. Leave a comment.
Once again, please do not mistake my intension.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Family Holiday on Star Cruises - Super Star Virgo
Well, there is always lack of update on this blog. What is so suprising about this right. Hmm.. I will try la, try to be more consistent with updates alright.
So on 27 Feb we went for a short trip on star cruise. By we, I meant my brother, his GF (HT), my mom and I.
Initially when I asked mommy to take leave for 27, 28 Feb and 01 Mar, told her we bringing her go holiday. She was abit blur and confused, but did not dare to ask me. She then asked HT, why only need to take leave for 27/28 Feb and 01 Mar. Izzit we go 27 - 28 Feb then come back home and 01 Mar go again. She forgot that Feb do not have 29 and 30! This is so funny when I heard it.
Alright, So on 27 Feb, because the cruise set sail at 2359 and the boarding gate only opens at 2000HRS, I went to work as per normal then rush home to get all my stuff and we all moved out together.
Camwhore abit la, while commuting to Habpur Front Ferry Terminal.
This is our first trip on a cruise, not so sure of the procedure. Everything was pretty simple though. Just give them our passport and check-in, they will give us our cabin key.

This is my cabin key. Each and everyone will have one card key to themselves. This acts like a credit card. Onboard the vessel. There is not much need for cash. Except for Casino ba. This is something I am pretty excited too. Caution to all, once you reealised you have misplaced your cabin card key, please report it immediately! Yes. Immediately, else others who picked it up, they can use it for pay for they pleasure.
Enroute to the cruise from the ferry terminal, there will be masscott taking pictures with you, then you can buy the pictures as souvenir later on.
Well, being the "ngiao ku" (miser), of cause I did not buy la. We secretly snap a pic though. Haha.
One more thing. The cruise staff will collect your passport and keep them for ya. So do not worry when they did not return you your passport as yet. Only upon returning to Singapore and before disembarking, they will return it to you. Chill.
We are finally onboard the ship! Super Star Virgo.
Now there are different types of cabins (rooms). There are inside stateroom, this are the ones that are in the middle of the ship and have no windows. Every deck (level) have them.
Becuase they have no window (at least not the real window) , they are cheaper.
Then, there is Oceanview stateroom with Porthole, only on lower decks. Portholes are like round shaped window, small one though. (no pic for this cabin type as I did not get the chance to take pics of it.)
The next one is Oceanview stateroom with Window. These windows cannot be open though. At least you get to see the outside right.
My brother posing for picture.
They also have this welcome gift. Its a tea, I think. I did not open it up.
This is a sofa. Duh. Hidden in it is a roll-away bed. So can sleep more than 2 people.
Last but not least, it Oceanview stateroom with Balcony. Yes, there is a balcony that you can walk out to.
The sofa can be converted to a "bed" too. Does not look comfy though.
We decided to take group pics before heading out to explore the ship.
Sorry about the Longchamp on the left!
YEA! Peace out~
Crazy people~
I kinda like the toilet. Though it is really small, it is brightly lit and have all the things we need.
We are kinda hungry already so we decided to checkout their restaurant. On the way to the restaurant, saw this Genting Club, VIP one ok.
Did not edit the colour, so very orangy.
Its Dinper time (Dinner + Supper = Dinper). The food is not bad ya know. I initially thought it would not be nice. But no. Its was pretty good. And, its all inclusive already, means you do not have to pay for these. Except when you want to drink soft drink/alcohol etc.
Yea, that's me drinking the soup.
After dinper, we went on to explore the whole ship. There are entertainment like shows' movie, arcade, casino, karaoke swimming pool etc.
There is facilities like gym, salon too.
After exploring, we went to Casino to play some game. The staff actually check me! ask me for my ID. I am happy about it though. Haha.
I tried slot machine aka jackpot machine. And lost. Haha. Then we on to check out the table games. My brother decided to play the Baccarat and I joined him. For an hour, there is no win no lose for mi, kinda boring for me too.
By this time, mom and HT already headed back to cabin to rest while we play.
I went on to walk around to see what esle is there to play. I saw roulette. Looks like fun. So I sat there and look. There is this aunty who kept winning ya know. Crazy. So I though, why not i follow her lo. And amazing enough, thanks to her, I won some money. Shall not say how much, but I won back my cruise fare. :P
Since I won some money, I decided to go back and rest. So we went to the cashier to cash out.
The following morning was nice. Waking up to the clear sky, let the breeze run through my hair. Hmmm....
I can just sit here the whole day drinking, reading, talking, gossipping too. Anyone?
"Ocean" and I!
See the view. Isnt it nice to be able to wake up to this?!
People are already on the deck walking abround, chillaxing.
Others, their own line dancing activity.
Today we go to Kuala Lumpur, Port Klang. We decided not to take the tour from the cruise, but to take taxi to town on our own. You can choose whichever you want.
We went to Petaling Jaya. There is nothing much actually. But. there are lotsa food. We had some drinks and some "muachi". The muachi got different taste one ok. Got original, red bean, green tea, etc. Quite nice la.
Then mom saw don't know what. So they were all looking at it.
We also bought some bottled drinks and food, tidbits back to the ship to snack.
How can I not take picture with this iconic lobby. Its a must take lo. Aiya, ok la, I admit! I just want to take picture la.
On the last night of the cruise, there is also a party going on on the swimming pool deck. Also Chocolate Fesast!
We each took quite abit. It is quite good. But it is quite "gelate" and we all cant finish our own plate. Thinking about it, make me feel so bad! I think I would still do the same again though. :P
After this, we went on to karaoke (payable, forgot how much already). Sing for a couple of hours. Then, we went casino again. Haha.. Shall not talk to much about Casino. Else, later CRA (Casino Regulatory Authority) comes after me!
When you see this view (RWS - Resorts World Sentosa), means you are back to Singapore already.
It was a nice short get away with Family. Spend nice time together.
Cannot wait for our next family trip!!! It will be fun!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Cheap 2D1N Malacca Getaway!!!
Some some last year I had a 2D1N getaway to Malacca!
We bought some voucher from some deal site. It was about S$78 per person if I did not remmeber wrongly. Includes coach from Singapore to Malacca with one night hotel stay. We had private check-in. There is a total of 6 of us, so three rooms in total. We were upgarded to club room hor! cool right. However, one of the room was at the other side, means not near to the other two rooms. Nevermind la, the room so big, all six can gather in one room also, only when we wanna sleep, go back to our respective rooms lo.
so we all met around 0700hrs at Golden Mile for the coach to Malacca. I forgot to take pictures on board the bus, but it was pretty comfy la. Like those luxury one lo, something like 16 seater? Then got upper and lower deck, like Airbus 380, haha.
We reach our hotel - Hotel Equatorial, around 1300hrs? Cannot remember la. but I know I am hungry already, which means its lunch time. So we check-in at the club room concierge at don't know which level. Immediately we ran into our rooms to check it out. It was great. Huge. The toilet is huge too. I did take picture, but don't know where is it now. Haha.
So here is the bedroom, where the bed is, duh~
This is my room mate for the night, Cat.
Spend sometime taking pictures, Cat and Ah Ya.
More and more join our quest of camwhore! Me, Ah Ya, Cat and Ah Hua.
Super hungry la, so we head out for lunch! Cat's colleague was super nice, she came and fetch us to lunch lo. Because the car can only take 4 of us, the rest waited in the hotel. While she make the second trip for the rest of us. Super nice right.
So in Malacca, the famous thing is the chicken rice. There is queue everywhere. They were saying the one that look old and not so nice one actually very nice, so we pick this one lo.
Yes, we had to queue under the blazing hot sun!
We finally managed to get in after don't know how long. See what the heat caused - brain damaged to Cat!
If you are wondering where exctly is the place we ate at, look out for this dragon, it's there.
Here are the chicken rice balls.
If you ask me about how I fell about the food, I would say "ok lo".. lolz.. really! I don't find it delicious lei. BUT that is just me. My friend say nice, maybe because we queued for sometime, so everything also nice lo. Haha.
After lunch, its dessert time!! Saw this dessert shop got queue so thought "should be not bad la". Again, the queue induces this thought. Yes, so we queued again. This time round was quicker though.
All discussing what to eat and YW is posing! Super "you xin ji" lo. Like always photo ready. Haha.
The interior is like those olden days kinda decoration. Cool huh.
"Great Wall of China" with Mao Zhe Dong
While waiting for our desserts. So happy waiting lo, this Ah Hua.
YW: xxxxx
Ah Hua: Huh...
The lady at the corner is the super nice colleague of Cat who drove us. Yummy desserts!!
Super old school stuff
All the bills of different currency
Singapore S$5 bills - UNCUT! Don't know real or counterfeit. Oops.
One of Cat's friend recommended this durian puff, say super nice. Eh, NO! Not nice at all lo.
After lunch and dessert, it's walking the street/shopping/photo taking time.
Temple in between the shop houses.
Many of the shop also sells old school stuff. Like this children tricycle.
Cool Jeep
The work of a sniper! Well, they spotted me though.
Another old school tricycle for kids.
Peace out!!!
Being Shot. And it's unglam one lo! That's why not posting it.
Then got this group of bikers, vroom vroom and honk honk. Super loud but cool la.
Shopping time. The girls bought shorts. And I shot this stairs.
And she die die also have to "chap ji ka"
More shoppings - Earings.
It is cheap too, like three pairs for 12RM or something like that.
Then we pass by this door way, it says tea house.
Look kinda scary, later go in all die. Imagine, they kill people and they use human blood to make Red Tea!! urh... JUST IMAGINE!
We exit Jonker Street and head opposite to the historical site.
This is her camera bag for Instax
Potato Tornado~~ Woohooo~~~
Instax of the girls
Instax of us, gentlemen~
Dan wanted to poo in public, so I said I will snipe him. He decided otherwise.
World Heritage Site. All posing for my shot. I am always not in the picture one ~
At this place, you see all sorts trishaw. I mean, it's the same. Just the decoration. Some even equiped with speakers + sub woofers hor~ Don't play play.
On the way to higher ground, we saw this "train" and thought why not just take a group picture.
I am always so nice to take picture for all right? Yes, I am SUPER NICE!
Test shot la
Yes, this one. The colour not very nice hor. Aiya, don't know how to use lightroom la.
Another group shot with the building.
You wondering who took for us? haha...
Took with self-timer and tripod la! DUH ~

The outside
The interior - with us
The stone cravings on the left.
The stone cravings on the right.
And the middle.
Not sure what are they looking at, just find it weird and I shot it.
Last shot inside before we exit
Then there is this tomb outside. Something like Dumbledore's tomb lei.. In Harry Potter! Haha
Train that got de-commissioned.
Can never imagine the kinda transport people used to take.
We then head back to Jonker Street for the night market.
They sell all sorta stuff, like pasar malam.
Carrot cake
Pubs. This is Geographer. Sounds nice huhz.
Even got stage for the older generation to sing hor. And got this uncle super cute, he just dance and dance to the song.
Back to hotel. So Tired.
Did our last min shopping/makan at this plcae for CAKES!
Love this sofa la, super nice for gathering lo.
The setting is nice.
NAme of the shop: Nadeje
It's like kueh lapis, but this is cake. I know kueh lapis also cake, What I meant is those creamy cake la! I think the orginal is the best. The rest I feel abit "gelat" lei, at first very nice, then a few more mouth, "ok I had enuf".
It nice. Worth a try if you are going to Malacca.
Overall, I think each of us only spend around S$150? for this 2D1N getaway (including the vucher we bought). We really enjoyed ourselves!! Looking forward to the next 2D1N getaway. Seems like we are planning to go Genting. Cat wants to win some money for her renovation. Haha.
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