After early morning prayer and devotion by P. Dale. P. Dale shared about going. We evangelites gave, and it must be accompanied with going. This is why there is POR Japan support edition. Breakfast time. We ate bread we bought from Tokyo. We actually bought a lot of bread, like 2 day of supplies. In the end, host brought us out for most of our meals. So we had left overs. We shared with the Japanese.
We then changed into our work outfit again. P. Alan in his full gear (overall, boots, "helmet", and mask).

Fooling around!
We begin our journey to the affected area. The journey is about an hour and a half. I was asleep most of the journey until Clinton nudge me. And I woke up to a sight that is very disturbing. I can't believe these actually happened. Emotions just well up in my heart.
Not the lamp post. Look behind! Only the brick wall surrounding the house survived. The house is destroyed!

The better ones

Houses were there but now it is gone. Flat ground! Can you imagine that happening to your place? I guess not. This is not something anyone of us can understand as Singaporean. We're are just too protected and comfortable in our own cozy island. It's wrecked. The affected area is so huge. It's been more than a month since it happened. Yet, despite all the efforts by the local church, by the civil defense etc., there seem to be no improvement to the land. I can't help but feel disheartened.
Getting to work!

See that faint line?

It is the mud level!

Flooring totally destroyed. At least they still have their house. I am looking on the bright side!

Supposed to be surrounded by green pasture! Now...
We went out to help the local dig out muds. Something in the mud called 'hydro' and when it rain, the 'hydro' will produce a smell and that is not healthy to human. It is really a lot of work and more got to be done.
Every Singaporean son, has got to go through army right? And we got to dig shell scrape as well. Imagine digging with a shovel. Now imagine digging a whole of Yishun. I can tell you Akai is definitely much bigger than Yishun. We merely help for two short hours. There is really nothing much that we can do. The locals are really appreciative when we mentioned we're Singaporeans and that we are there to help. They will apologize for all the trouble.
Time given to dig a shells rape is 45 mins. How much can we accomplish with just 2 hours? And the area that big.

Team Evangelites and Team City Vision Glory
Friends I made, Hosanna, Nari, me and... Er.. I Forgot..
(left to right)

Saying good bye was the hardest thing. There are some many things needed to be done. So little time. So little man power. I feel so helpless.

Making our way back to Tokyo passing by Fukushima, like wise when going up to Sendai. Now we're super radiant! If you get what I mean.

My Lunch. Ebi Tempura! It is delicious!

Waiting for our seats. Super nice dinner! You will see...
Sashimi! Big, fat and nice pieces of sashimi! You simply can't find this in Singapore!
Oiishi desu ne!

Huge bowl of chawamushi! YUMMY~

This Unagi is simply... huge! usually the sushi rice is bigger then the meat. But this! It does not make sense. Well, we are in Japan, nothing have to make sense. If I did not remember wrongly this cost 699yen. It taste different from singapore's Unagi as well. It is so soft, it melts in your mouth!
After dinner, we headed back to hotel. We're all very tired from all the work and travelling.